Jones Family

I loved working with this family in 2015, so when they called to book a session this fall, I couldn't wait to see them again. Connor is such a sweet boy and this session took place the day after his first birthday. Happy Birthday little one! I especially love the photos of him and his bottle. All that posing was hard and a little milk break was in order. :-)

And the photo of Kyle and Heather at the end - my favorite!!

KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves family, senior, and wedding clients.

Frater Family

I first met the Fraters back in 2004 when I moved in across the street from them. It’s hard to believe that 12 years have passed?! Both of us have since moved away from that neighborhood, but have kept in contact via Facebook. It’s not easy to book a family session when your kids are grown and have lives of their own, but Connie was determined to make it happen! Their last official session was seven years and it was time for new photos. This family still gets together for dinner on Sunday evenings and recently traveled to Texas together. I saw photos of them at the Magnolia Silos in Waco! Connie, I need details because I am dying to go there! :-)

KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves family, senior, and wedding clients.