DeJong Family

A warm 55 degrees and sunshine made this November session feel more like early October, the only difference was that most of the leaves had already fallen. I love this session because Krista and Jared played and laughed with their boys the entire time. I can’t tell you what a difference it makes in the final images…genuine and authentic moments are always the best and I believe they are the most beloved images for years to come.

And I just heard that the DeJong’s are expecting baby #3! Congratulations! What wonderful news!

KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves family, senior, and wedding clients.

L Family

I get to see this family every fall and I just ADORE their little girl. Ruby is 3 now and just the cutest little bug and so much fun!

See more of the Lordan family...2015 and 2014

KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves family, senior, and wedding clients.

McMurray Family

Our entire city is currently under several feet of snow and working with these images to prepare this post has me yearning for green grass, wildflowers, and summer weather! This sweet family moved to Portland, OR several years ago so it's always a treat to get them behind my lens when they are in town. My fingers are crossed that they will move BACK to Spokane soon! Darcy and I have been friends since the start of grade school and when we are together it's as if no time has passed. Love you dear friend and I love your family! xo

McMurray family in 2014.

KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves family, senior, and wedding clients.

Graybeal Family

The Graybeal's are new clients, but I left this session feeling like old friends because we laughed so much! What a FUN family!

KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves family, senior, and wedding clients.

Trepus Family

I ask my clients to fill out a questionnaire prior to their session and I fell in love with every single response that Kerry sent back to me. She talked about how life is hard right now with two little ones (age 2.5 and almost 1 year), but how she knows this time is temporary and is already feeling like her daughter is growing up too fast. And even though my own kids are a little older, I could relate to every one of her answers. This session just so happened to fall on Kerry and Greg’s 7th anniversary! These two are the real deal…beautiful family inside and out!

KC England Photography is located in Spokane, WA and serves family, senior, and wedding clients.