Orryn {7 months}
This little guy had so many fun expressions and the most beautiful blue eyes! And there is just something so darn cute about little boys in jeans and button-down shirts! One of my favorites from this session is the last image where Orryn is holding Sophie the Giraffe (miracle teething toy). He was starting to let us know that he thought the session should be over and mama picked him up to offer a little comfort. Those unplanned moments always make the best images!
Mommy & Me Sessions | YoungLives 2014
For the past two years I have had the opportunity to volunteer for YoungLives. YoungLives is a division of Young Life that supports teen moms (and dads too!). A "club" event takes place each month where local teen moms are invited to share a meal, watch a skit, create something, and learn more about Jesus. They also receive packs of diapers, wipes, and baby clothing. Volunteers provide childcare for club nights as well. The girls that I have met through this program are stronger then you can ever imagine; some of them are pregnant as young as 13 and without a safe place to live. Many of them are trying to finish school and provide as best as they can for their child. It’s safe to say that most of them are on their own with very little financial resources and emotional support. YoungLives is a safe place for them to be themselves and to hopefully receive a break from the day-to-day struggles they face. I can feel the love in the room on club nights…hugs shared between friends, encouraging conversation, laughter, and kids playing with each other. Our club is growing with sometimes as many as 12 girls + babies coming. I feel blessed to be able to photograph club events and special events like this Mommy & Me session in April. The girls received prints of these images at our Mother’s Day club last night. I see strength, perseverance, and beauty in these images…the sweetest little children loving and smiling up at their mamas.
Learn more about the Mead YoungLives Club here. We meet at Branches Church the first Wednesday of the month from 6-8pm. Contact Linda McDonald at lmcdonald@my.whitworth.edu for more information.
This sister session took place on the Monday following Easter and sure enough they arrived wearing their beautiful Easter dresses! Ages 8 and 5 – such sweet girls and they were so excited to have their pictures taken! Big sister was even helping pose little sister! I donated this session to the Westgate Christian School Auction and lucky for me this family happened to be the winning bidders of this package. After we met, I learned that they live in the neighborhood next to mine. It really is a small world!
And just like that....she's TWO!
Our April Fools baby is TWO! We celebrated with a fun family party at our house. It was windy + gray outside, but inside it was filled with SUNSHINE!
I don't want to forget the pure happiness on her face as she sat at her little table sipping her very first juice box, or watching her run in the backyard so desperately trying to keep up with her cousins (she is the littlest of 9), or the pure delight as we pulled off the sheet and she saw her play kitchen for the first time. Emi was SO happy at her party! What a great day filled with JOY!!!
I had so much fun planning out all the little sunshiney details...lemon cupcakes, treat bags filled with lemon drops, sunshine coloring sheets, yellow polka dot balloons, and of course we served lemonade. See more fun + easy ideas on my Pinterest board here.
Everyday Life - March
We had some CRAZY weather in March! From complete blizzard to tiny signs of spring - we saw it all! And I must add that we are ALL very happy for spring to finally arrive in Spokane!
We celebrated Emily's 2nd birthday this month as well, but that deserves it's own blog post. :-) Coming soon!
Here are a few of my favorites from our Everyday Life in March...