Ryane | Class of 2016

Laid back, quirky, and humorous are the three words Ryane used to describe herself. I would have to add determined, ambitious, and wise beyond her years! Ryane began the Running Start program as a junior and will graduate High School with her AA degree. She is passionate about graphic design and dreams about starting her own firm after college. Ryane also lives with type 1 diabetes – an autoimmune disease that she must mange 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This diagnosis came right before her 10th birthday. I have always been impressed with her commitment to serving and helping others in the type 1 community as a volunteer for both the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and Camp Stix.

Ryane – I am so proud of you and the beautiful person you have grown up to be. I am thankful that I met you all those years ago at JDRF. Keep smiling sweet girl! xo

Rein Family | 50th Anniversary

I have known the Rein family for most of my life! Geri and Gerry are neighbors and close friends of my parents and I grew up with their children…all 7 of them! 50 years of marriage later and their immediate family has grown from 9 to 40!!! That’s right, 40! Can you imagine getting everyone together under one roof (plus a few tents and campers)?!  With lots of planning this family made it happen and they just spent a week of cooking, playing, swimming, laughing, and loving one another in the home they all grew up in. I know all of them will forever remember this special time as it was the last week together as a family in their home of 30+ years. As tough as it is to say goodbye to a place that holds so many precious memories, I know that this new chapter of life will hold just as many blessings and memories (with a lot less yard to take care of!!). 

Happy 50th Anniversary Geri and Gerry! I love your family and wish you much joy and love in the years to come! xoxo

Sarah | Class of 2016

This girl is not afraid to be different, loves fashion, and strives to make the best out of each and every day. She loves to write and hopes to pursue a career in journalism after high school. I personally think she needs to look into a modeling career as well! One thing she can't live without...her eyeliner! :-)

Sarah - you are simply stunning and made my job SO easy! I loved every minute of my time with you! I hope your senior year is every bit as fabulous as YOU!