
Ursich Family

The sweet people in these images are near and dear to my heart. I met Shaliena in high school nearly 25 years ago and we have been friends ever, weddings, babies, moves, jobs, and so much more. She has been on my side through it all. I don't get to see her as much as I would like as they live on the other side of the state, so the time we do have together now is so precious. They made a special trip into Spokane from the river during their vacation this summer to do this session and I am so thankful are schedules aligned to make this evening possible. Sophie is 12 and quite possibly the most photogenic 12 year old I know! Wow! James is 10 and had me cracking up with all his different funny faces and poses. I love you all dearly and look forward to seeing you again soon. xo

Grosse Family

This family is preparing to send off their oldest son to the Naval Academy at the end of the month. Cameron won’t be back home for quite some time, so a family session was a priority for Mom & Dad! There was definitely a bit of wrestling and teasing between these four brothers during the session, but mostly a lot of love and laughter. Thank you Grosse family!

Mary Tullamora

Remember how careful and cautious you were with your first baby? You’ve had all this time to prepare and the nursery is just perfect and then comes baby #2 and everything changes! Your hands are now full with your toddler and suddenly you don’t have the time to worry quite as much as you did the first time around. You let your guard down just a bit because you know in your heart that everything will work out  just fine. I think this session beautifully captures some of that transition of having just 1 child and adding a second…many real and authentic moments of love and patience and play. Mary Tullamora is baby #2 and the first girl for the Diede family. It’s safe to say that everyone is in love with her, especially big brother, Harrison (2 Β½)! Mary was 2 months at this session and was quite content watching her brother as he kept busy with playdough, snacks, Madagascar, and watering plants…you know, just regular stuff you do when your parents are in the middle of a photo shoot with your brand new baby sister. There may have been a few M + M’s involved with this session…just to keep us all happy and cooperating. :-)

Congratulations Diede family! Mary completes your family just perfectly!

See more of this sweet family here. 

Miller Family

My husband and I sit in awe every Sunday as our pastor, Ryan, delivers his message. No notes. Just all from memory. Every. Single. Week. And his delivery…oh yeah, it’s flawless. We leave every time with a thirst for more and we feel incredibly grateful to be a part of the Branches community. Ryan and his wife, Heidi, are two of the most creative, loving, and encouraging people I know. In addition to leading our church, they own and operate Mango Ink and 08Left. Definitely click and check out these very cool companies! Oh and they are raising three pretty awesome and amazing kids too! Their oldest will be graduating from high school this June, so it was extra special to capture this family of 5 while Isaac is still living at home! 

Thank you Miller Family. It's hard to convey just how much you all mean to me in words. I am incredibly thankful for your friendship. And your session is one of my all time favorites!!!