Finding your {business} person

If you are thinking about starting your own business, I highly suggest that you find and identify your person as soon you begin your journey. Ideally, your person is not someone related to you. Your family members love you no matter what and may not be as objective, so my advice is to seek out someone outside of your family. Best case scenario, your person is someone in the same industry. Someone that you trust and can talk “shop” with for hours because they know exactly what you’re talking about. You can bounce ideas off each other, share dreams, and talk openly about your fears. Your person is your back-up when you need it. They are willing to teach you something new and share information. At the same time, they are eager to learn from you and respectfully seek advice. Your person sees your potential when you are down and knows exactly how to build up your confidence. Your person shares in your “war stories” and delights in your successes. Your person prays for you, your business, and loves you no matter what.

I can honestly and thankfully say that I found my person in Ginny Taylor and I am convinced that everyone needs a Ginny in their life! She is all these things I just mentioned above and so much more. And even though we run our own businesses, I consider her to be my "behind the scenes" business partner. I can’t imagine running my business without her support and constant encouragement. The icing on the cake is that she is a dear and treasured friend; one I will have for the rest of my life.

One of the ways we have been able to support each other is by trading sessions with one another. Ginny is an amazing photographer and once again captured my family so perfectly. I am excited to share a few of my favorites from our most recent session. I can hardly wait to get these up on our walls!!