Rock the Shot July Photo Challenge: Sun Flare

This is my entry for the July Photo Challenge at Rock the Shot. The theme for July is sun flare. This photo was not taken with my DSLR - it's an iphone photo AND a selfie (with my daughter)! So maybe not technically perfect, but it's emotionally perfect and the best representation of sun flare that I captured all month. I love it! An early morning bottle with my baby girl at our family cabin over the 4th of July weekend..her bottle days are coming to an end so I am savoring it while it lasts.

Six Months.

It’s been six months since I hit the “publish” button on my business Facebook page and Leaving A Mark Photography was live. It was a defining moment for me. One of those moments where your mind and your heart are somewhat at odds with each other and you know that there is no turning back. That Facebook page made it feel very official for me. My business was now a public page and not just something in my mind. I was no longer just talking about it, I was actually doing something about it. It was out there which meant that I was out there. Scary and exciting all at the same time.

I’ve been thinking about this ½ year mark for a week now and knew that it would be good for my soul to capture some of my thoughts. I am sure I will look back at this and laugh at myself, but it’s a good reminder that we all need to start somewhere and measuring progress is a good thing. So here goes…

  1. Newborn photography is WAY harder than it looks.

  2. I typically like my candid shots better than my posed shots.

  3. I photographed my first High School Senior and loved it!

  4. Facebook is a HUGE part of my business – awesome and not awesome at times.

  5. I have completed 18 photo sessions in 6 months. My original goal was to complete 12 in my first YEAR!

  6. I am drawn to real, everyday life photos and clean editing.

  7. I found PASS – awesome digital gallery display.

  8. I am set up to accept credit cards now! Thanks

  9. Shooting in RAW used to scare me.

  10. I upgraded my camera – from a Nikon D300 to the D700.

  11. My husband is my biggest cheerleader and the first person I go to for technical support

  12. I started a business Instagram account – thanks to my daughter, Hailey, for the inspiration and encouragement.

  13. I started entering weekly photo challenges about 4 months ago and just received my very first feature (weekly top 10) last week!

  14. Good editing takes time and practice. I am constantly learning new things in Lightroom.

  15. Learning to juggle and balance a business from home.

  16. Constructive criticism is so helpful.

  17. My website is a constant work in progress.

  18. The to-do list will always be there.

  19. I have taken more photos in the last 6 months than I did in ALL of 2012.

  20. Having a "vision" is good as long as you are able to adjust your "vision" when shooting kids/newborns!

  21. Finding your style takes time.

  22. There are only so many hours in the day and I will never be able to do it all.

  23. Mistakes sometimes create the best photographs.

I recently read this article that talks about beating the common insecurities that block your way. Written by a photographer about photography, but her message can be applied to anyone starting anything new. Loved the section on being your own unique self and how everything has been done before. Really great words of advice. My favorite part was the final line: “Get moving and get out of your way”.

Have you tried anything new lately?


Schumacher Family

I love hearing from old friends and taking photographs for them! Tracy and I have been friends since junior high, but we haven't seen eachother (outside of Facebook) for maybe 10 years?!  So, so good to see her and meet her husband, Ian, and their sweet baby girl, Berkley. Berkley just turned 6 months old - sitting up, holding her old bottle, and drooling up a storm! Lots of love for this little girl and I think there might be lots of PINK in her future!


Baby Ellie

Shawn and Ashley were due on July 8th, but little miss Ellie decided to make her grand entrance on the 4th of July! What a great birthday! Shawn & Ashley are also first time parents, but already so calm and relaxed - even after a 3 hour photo session! Thank you for inviting me into your home when Ellie was just 6 days new...such a sweet and tender time.


Poutiatine Family

If you ever find yourself working for a non-profit and in need of a volunteer, committee member, board president, speaker, (I could go on and on!) will need to know this family! Mike, Sally, and their daughter, Hailey, are 3 of the most generous and giving people I know. In my role as Branch Manager for JDRF (2004-2012), I counted on people like the P family over and over again. They were always there for me and always willing to go the extra mile. Seriously good people to have on your side. They haven't had "family photos" taken in something like 10 years?!!? So, it was time! A perfect summer night, beautiful setting, and this awesome family adds up to a great session!

Gockley Family

This family knows how to have FUN! This session took place in their yard and they had all sorts of awesome ideas for photo props...things like tire swings, tree houses, pets, the bbq, a football, 22 year old MHS t-shirt, the backyard campfire, a hard helmet, pick axe...just to name a few! Rich and Jen are high school sweethearts and will be celebrating their 18th wedding anniversary later this month. They moved back to the Spokane area a couple years ago and I hope they never have to move again. Our friendship dates backs over 25 years (I met Rich in Junior High School!). Wonderful people. Awesome family.