leaving a mark photography

C Family

Fresh snow just one hour before a scheduled session at a tree farm? Yes, please! Ryan & Andrya live on Bainbridge Island, but came home to Deer Park over the holidays, and we met for photographs on their family farm. The timing of the snow was perfect - everything turned fresh and white! Miss Audrey (age 2 1/2) was wearing the cutest and tiniest pair of Hunter boots I have ever seen...just adorable. Andrya is in the process of starting her own Interior Design business - her business is just getting started and you can find her here (just a splash page for now - but coming soon!). Thanks Cooper family!

One Year | Leaving A Mark Photography

Leaving A Mark Photography is officially ONE YEAR old! This first year has been a crazy and wild ride filled with challenges, encouragement, surprises, mistakes, and milestones. I have learned so much about myself, about photography, and about running my own business, but mostly I have learned that I still have SO much more to learn. There are times where I catch myself trying to speed up the process, but growth takes time and I am learning to be patient with myself. I’ve had days when I started questioning everything and uncertainty creeps in. In those moments my husband is quick to remind me that, “if it was easy then everyone would do it”. Thankfully, I’ve experienced many positive moments that continually remind me that I am exactly where I should be. Building your own business is a process and if I had waited until I was truly “ready” to start a business then I would probably still be waiting. I’m so thankful for this first year…for progress, growth, and grace. My business and photography is evolving and my passion is stronger than ever. I’m excited for year #2. New goals are set and I am ready for the challenge. Thank you to everyone who has supported me this first year, from liking and commenting on my images through Facebook + Instagram, to reading my blog, to booking a session, and to those that offered advice and shared ideas – all of you are a huge blessing and I can’t thank you enough for being an integral part of this first year!

A little something to illustrate growth + progress...little Miss Mia photographed 2 months before I started my business and then again almost a year later.


McGinnity Family

I first met Robyn in 2008 when my husband and I were househunting. We stopped to look at a house and Robyn came right up to us, welcomed us to the neighborhood, and encouraged us to go and peek in the windows since the house was new and empty. A month later we became neighbors + friends! This family is so fun...our session was a mixture of running, wrestling, climbing with lots of love, laughter, and joy! Thank you Dan, Robyn, Mia, Colin, and Owen!


Hill Family

This session took place in September, but I was under strict instructions to keep the images under wraps until after the holidays and Christmas cards were mailed! It was hard to keep them secret because it was such a fun & unique session! I will be the first to admit that I was hesitant to take on the request of a "paparazzi" style shoot  - only because it was new territory for me. I think I even tried to talk them out of it at one point or maybe I was trying to talk myself into it?! But James, Stacy, and their FIVE kiddos were determined to pull it off and I really do love the finished product. I love that all the kids (yes, they have FIVE!!) were so involved in picking out their outfits and the props - note the sunglasses, scarves, big purses, mobile devices, Nordstrom bag, Starbucks - all intentional! Such a fun evening with this crew! I hope they come up with something "new" for me to take on next time!!!

Rosie raises her hands up when you say, "Praise the Lord, Rosie!"  Love that!


Longmeier Family

I love taking photos for my family! These little blondies belong to my brother and sister-in-law...Theron + Burgh (twins, age 5) and Kempton (age 3). I am 9 years older than my brother and clearly remember the day he was born (I was in the 3rd grade!)...there was something extra special that happened for me when he had kids of his own and a set of twins! My twin girls were 7 1/2 when his twins were born. My brother is an outstanding father, Pastor at New Community Church, and in his free time he started his own business - CrossFit Duratus. Can you tell that I am proud of him?!  I am pretty much in awe of my sister-in-law and how she handles these busy little guys (the twins weren't even 2 when baby #3 arrived!) - she pretty much spends every ounce of her being pouring into them...they are so loved! I feel lucky that we live close and I get to photograph them on a regular basis - love you all so much!!

Miller Family

This was a fun session...a new location and this gorgeous family made for a great afternoon! And there is really nothing better than taking photos for dear friends! Ryan is my pastor and one of the most creative persons I know. And Heidi, also incredibly creative, beautiful, and so loving. Together they own a fabulous card company right here in Mead, WA - Mango Ink. I've ordered from them many times over the years and love the quality and personal service. Three years ago they planted a little church called Branches. My family and I attended that very first Sunday and knew immediately that this was the start of something awesome and we were all so excited to be a part of it. It was an honor to photograph a family that I hold so near and dear to my heart! Thank you Ryan & Heidi - I hope you cherish these photos for many years.
