Christina | Class of 2015

This senior session took place in mid September, but it was unseasonably cool and felt much more like mid October on this particular evening. Christina loves fall so I think the timing was perfect for her! This girl has been singing for as long as she can remember and has been taking voice lessons for the past 5 years. She sings in 3 choirs at Mead! She is hoping to pursue her love of music after High School and I have no doubt that she will succeed. Christina has the most infectious laugh and it’s virtually impossible for her to smile without laughing at the same time. I know she was a bit shy in front of the camera at first, but she looks absolutely amazing in EVERY photo! And how about her darling hair? It’s not often that you get to photograph a senior girl with short hair and it just fits her personality perfectly! Thank you Christina for such a fun session – I loved meeting you! 

More from Christina...

I was born in Alaska (with penguins).

I am excited to graduate.

I think fall is the most beautiful season.

I wish I could go to Hogwarts.

I save the last bit of peanut butter on my spoon for my puppies (don't tell my mom though).

I always want to try new things.

I can't imagine having a different hair color.

I believe in magic.

I promise to travel the world and explore all life has to offer. 

I love music, my family, & God.

McMurray Family

Darcy and I met at the start of grade school and 35+ years later she is one of my oldest and dearest friends. Our Cabbage Patch dolls and sleepovers have been replaced with a glass of wine and conversation that can last for days and days (if only we had that kind of time together!). This friendship is truly one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. In 2013 this family made a very difficult decision to move from Spokane to Portland, leaving behind family, dear friends and a community that cared so deeply for them. I am so thankful that they have come "home" to Spokane several times over the past year and that we were able to sneak in a family session with all SIX of them in the same place!! I love you all dearly!

Everyday Life | August

Lots of time spent in and near the water this favorite moments are from an afternoon spent at the Riverfront Park Fountain, our vacation on the Pend Oreille River, a day at Silverwood Theme Park, and last but not least....annual Pirate Day over Labor Day weekend; a tradition my parents started years ago and a hit with all the grandkids!

I started Everyday Life, a monthly blog post, in January 2014 as a personal commitment to keep shooting, editing, and sharing my family photos. Follow along on Instagram too at @leavingamarkphoto or #oureverydaylife2014.

Read the July Everyday Life post here.

I started Everyday Life, a monthly blog post, in January 2014 as a personal commitment to keep shooting, editing, and sharing my family photos. Follow along on Instagram too at @leavingamarkphoto or #oureverydaylife2014.

Shelby + Graham

Shelby + Graham are High School sweethearts, but they recently said goodbye to one another to start a new chapter of their relationship...a long distance relationship! We met for this session just two nights before Graham left. Everything was about to change for them and it was really special to be able to capture their love and friendship right at this very in love and so happy. 

Kylie | Class of 2015

I love all things about senior photography, but mostly I love the relationships that form before, during, and after a session like this. Kylie and I hit it off right from the start. I realized later that we share the same birthday so I think that had something to do with our instant connection. This gorgeous Mead senior has been playing softball for as long as she can remember, loves being at the lake, and hanging out with friends. She is also an auntie and head over heels in love with her baby niece! Little Londyn even came to the session! Kylie is so easy to be around, sweet, strong, and determined and I am so glad our paths crossed during such a special and unique time in her life. Can't wait to see what the future holds for this great girl!

More from Kylie...

I was…young and dumb

I am…learning

I think…about life a lot

I wonder…if I have met the person I’m going to marry

I wish…I always knew the answer

I save…money

I always…go to the gym

I can’t imagine…life without my sister & Londyn

I believe…everything happens for a reason

I promise…to never give up

I love…my friends and family