Downtown Spokane Library

Adelyn | One Year!

It seems like just yesterday that I was meeting Adelyn for her newborn session and today she is ONE! We had so much fun at the library together...looking at books, snacking on (and spilling!) Cheerios, and I think she especially loved seeing her reflection in the window! She will certainly be the STAR at her "Twinkle Twinke Little Star" birthday party this weekend!

Josh & Deanna - enjoy every minute of her big day and birthday party! First birthdays are so special!

Happy Birthday Adelyn!

Snider Family | Library Session

This just might be one of my all time favorite sessions! Questionable weather + client coming from Pullman + no option to reschedule = come up with Plan B. We ditched our original Greenbluff idea and decided to shoot at the Downtown Spokane Library. I am officially in love with the library...beautiful big windows, great light, and a perfect setting for this sweet family with two little girls. Nick, Jen, Mia, & Aly - I am so grateful for the opportunity to capture these special moments and watch your precious family grow!
